[This is very strange but apparently true: Be Warned!]
Beating Diabetes Without Meds
Early in the 1940's, when German armies occupied areas of North Africa, Dysentery threatened to defeat the mighty Army.
Thousands of soldiers were dying in the fields, victims of. the disease. Hitler ordered a team of scientists to the region to study the problem. One of the first questions they sought answers to, was why are the people that live there not suffering from Dysentery? What they learned has changed medicine forever.
When locals felt the symptoms of Dysentery coming on, they simply followed a camel around until it dropped a steaming fresh camel apple (dung). Then they promptly picked it up... and ate it. End of problem. Needless to say, the scientists were faced with a dilemma. What were their options? Obviously, they couldn't feed fresh camel dung to all of their troops. There were simply not enough camels in Africa to produce that much dung. Not to mention, the soldiers probably would not eat it, even though it probably tasted better than army rations. Besides, how would you keep it fresh?
So, they decided that they needed to find out what was in steaming camel dung, that could prevent the onslaught of disease. To this day, Arabs will comment on how rude the German scientists were, butting in the front of the line of Arabs following camels, and then...they didn't even eat it! But, they did collect it and rush to tent laboratories to study it. What they discovered not only saved their army, but taught us about beneficial bacteria, and how it works in the gastrointestinal tract. The foundation of the immune system.
The German scientists isolated several of, what now is believed to be trillions, of organisms in our digestive tract. "Beneficial bacteria" or " flora." They learned that not only did the beneficial bacteria help digest food and absorb nutrients, they also played important roles in preventing human pathogens from multiplying and killing us. They also manufacture vital enzymes used by the body for numerous functions, as well as to manufacture some vitamins.
Quite literally, our body (our lives) depend on the beneficial bacteria for many vital functions. The foundation of the body's immune system is dependent upon it. So, how can this contribute to reversing the symptoms of diabetes?
Diabetics are dangerously deficient in five vital nutrients. Even if their bodies are given those deficient substances, their body has a reduced capacity to absorb them. That's called a "Double Whammy." So, it is very important for diabetics to perform serious maintenance on their colon. They must remove toxins and dead matter that has accumulated over the years; they must restore the correct types of beneficial bacteria; they must feed the beneficial bacteria to strengthen the immune system and improve nutrient absorption; and finally, rebuild the nutrient deficiencies to allow the body to repair diabetic damage.
All that without eating camel dung. The local zoo's frown on us climbing the fences. Besides, it is dangerous, because people throw food at you.
If you would like to learn more, go to http://www.how-to-take-charge-of-your-diabetes.com. Hundreds upon hundreds of hours of research have been compiled into one document. Learn about other crucial topics central to diabetes including inflammation, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, essential fatty acids, cholesterol, glycemic load, phytonutrients and starches. We can stop the progression of damage caused by diabetes - and stamp out paranoia in camels.
Camels will finally be free of the feeling that people are following them.
[Author: Tomenelson from "Beating Diabetes Without Meds." courtesy of www.articlealley.com]
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Friday, March 27, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Taking Control of Your Diabetes.
Aida Turturro, the actress who plays Janice Soprano on the HBO series "The Sopranos," is one of the more than 20 million Americans who have diabetes.
Turturro was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (where the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells do not use the insulin properly) in 2000. For more than a year after her initial diagnosis she was in denial and did not take the proper steps-such as diet and exercise-to manage the disease.
Finally, her doctor told her that her blood sugar levels were too high and if she did not learn how to manage the disease, she would suffer serious complications.
"As soon as I started learning more about the potential complications of the disease, I realized I should have taken action sooner," said Turturro. "It is scary what can happen to you if you do not take control of your diabetes."
Turturro was among the more than 50 percent of diabetes patients whose A1C levels are above the target goal of 7 percent as established by the American Diabetes Association. Patients with diabetes should know their A1C level. It is a simple blood test that assesses glucose levels over a two- to three-month period.
Taking Control
In addition to her diet and exercise routines, Turturro worked with her doctor to develop a treatment regimen that was right for her. At first she was taking oral medications but was still unable to get her blood sugar levels under control. About two years ago, Turturro and her doctor added Lantus® (insulin glargine [rDNA origin] injection), the once-daily, true 24-hour basal insulin, to her treatment plan.
With a treatment regimen that includes Lantus and other diabetes medications, Turturro achieves good blood glucose control with an A1C level below seven percent.
"Managing diabetes is not easy. What I have learned is the best way to manage the disease is by becoming educated, motivated and an advocate for yourself," said Turturro. "It is a 24-hour disease and you have to put in a real effort to keep your blood sugar levels under control."
Take control of your Diabetes before it is too late!
Important Safety Information for LANTUS use!
LANTUS is indicated for once-daily subcutaneous administration, at the same time each day, for the treatment of adult and pediatric patients (6 years and older) with type 1 diabetes mellitus or adult patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who require basal (long-acting) insulin for the control of hyperglycemia.
Lantus must not be diluted or mixed with any other insulin or solution. If mixed or diluted, the solution may become cloudy, and the onset of action/time to peak effect may be altered in an unpredictable manner.
Lantus is contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to insulin glargine or the excipients. Hypoglycemia is the most common adverse effect of insulin, including Lantus. As with all insulins, the timing of hypoglycemia may differ among various insulin formulations.
Glucose monitoring is recommended for all patients with diabetes. Any change of insulin type and/or regimen should be made cautiously and only under medical supervision.Concomitant oral antidiabetes treatment may need to be adjusted. Other adverse events commonly associated with Lantus include the following: lipodystrophy, skin reactions (such as injection-site reaction, pruritus, rash) and allergic reactions.
[For more on Diabetes and your diet go to: http://diabetes-and-diet.blogspot.com]
Turturro was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (where the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells do not use the insulin properly) in 2000. For more than a year after her initial diagnosis she was in denial and did not take the proper steps-such as diet and exercise-to manage the disease.
Finally, her doctor told her that her blood sugar levels were too high and if she did not learn how to manage the disease, she would suffer serious complications.
"As soon as I started learning more about the potential complications of the disease, I realized I should have taken action sooner," said Turturro. "It is scary what can happen to you if you do not take control of your diabetes."
Turturro was among the more than 50 percent of diabetes patients whose A1C levels are above the target goal of 7 percent as established by the American Diabetes Association. Patients with diabetes should know their A1C level. It is a simple blood test that assesses glucose levels over a two- to three-month period.
Taking Control
In addition to her diet and exercise routines, Turturro worked with her doctor to develop a treatment regimen that was right for her. At first she was taking oral medications but was still unable to get her blood sugar levels under control. About two years ago, Turturro and her doctor added Lantus® (insulin glargine [rDNA origin] injection), the once-daily, true 24-hour basal insulin, to her treatment plan.
With a treatment regimen that includes Lantus and other diabetes medications, Turturro achieves good blood glucose control with an A1C level below seven percent.
"Managing diabetes is not easy. What I have learned is the best way to manage the disease is by becoming educated, motivated and an advocate for yourself," said Turturro. "It is a 24-hour disease and you have to put in a real effort to keep your blood sugar levels under control."
Take control of your Diabetes before it is too late!
Important Safety Information for LANTUS use!
LANTUS is indicated for once-daily subcutaneous administration, at the same time each day, for the treatment of adult and pediatric patients (6 years and older) with type 1 diabetes mellitus or adult patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who require basal (long-acting) insulin for the control of hyperglycemia.
Lantus must not be diluted or mixed with any other insulin or solution. If mixed or diluted, the solution may become cloudy, and the onset of action/time to peak effect may be altered in an unpredictable manner.
Lantus is contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to insulin glargine or the excipients. Hypoglycemia is the most common adverse effect of insulin, including Lantus. As with all insulins, the timing of hypoglycemia may differ among various insulin formulations.
Glucose monitoring is recommended for all patients with diabetes. Any change of insulin type and/or regimen should be made cautiously and only under medical supervision.Concomitant oral antidiabetes treatment may need to be adjusted. Other adverse events commonly associated with Lantus include the following: lipodystrophy, skin reactions (such as injection-site reaction, pruritus, rash) and allergic reactions.
[For more on Diabetes and your diet go to: http://diabetes-and-diet.blogspot.com]
diabetes control,
diabetes help,
type 2 diabetes
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Eating Sugar Causes Diabetes and other fictions!
Like most diseases, there is plenty of fact and fiction and often the two become intertwined and diabetes is no exception. Most people think that eating too much sugar cause diabetes, this is not true.
Diabetes is not caused by eating sugar. Diabetes is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. However, eating a diet high in fat and sugar can cause you to become overweight.
It is being overweight that radically increases your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, so if you have a history of diabetes in your family, I would recommend a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Actually, I remember a story about an ex-patient of mine, let's call her 'Patricia'.
We spoke at length about all her risk factors, but she stopped me when I asked her if she had any relatives with diabetes. I couldn't hold back the laughter, when she informed me that she wasn't too worried as she didn't like her relatives and had no contact with them!
You can catch diabetes from someone else - Fact or fiction?
This brings me nicely to another common myth about diabetes, that it can be passed from person to person by everyday contact (SOURCE: Diabetes UK). Although we don't know exactly why some people get diabetes, we know that it is not contagious - it can't be caught like a cold or flu. There seems to be some genetic link involved particularly Type 2 diabetes. But environmental factors also play a part.
That's enough Diabetes Fiction now for some fact:
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterised by abnormally high blood sugar levels due either to lower production of insulin or abnormal resistance to insulin's effects.
The major symptoms are excessive thirst, frequent urination, muscle cramps, poor healing of wounds, impaired vision and itching.
Heart disease and stroke - caused by diseased coronary arteries supplying blood to brain- are also common complications associated with diabetes.
As people age, insulin production may diminish and/or insulin resistance may increase. If the consumption of food, especially food that causes rapid surges in blood sugar levels, remains high, blood sugar levels may become and remain abnormally high, which is the condition known as diabetes.
The serious consequences of this are collapse, a diabetic fit followed by diabetic coma and if not treated quickly, death can occur.
So diabetes is a killer disease!
Conventional and Complimentary treatments.
One problem with conventional treatments is that they are sometimes cumbersome and, on their own, not always effective. They sometimes have unwanted side-effects and very occasionally serious side-effects have been reported.
This is not to say that oral medication should not be used. On the contrary, they may be life-enhancing and life-saving and they should certainly never be stopped or their dose changed without a doctor's advice.
But the need for them - and indeed the need eventually for insulin injections - will be greatly reduced with a few simple changes to lifestyle. One of the best things you could do is follow the methods of Doctor Patrick Quillin in his International bestselling book The Diabetes Improvement Program.
I've reviewed this book before and it stirred up quite a lot of interest, so I think it's well worth another mention.
The author, Doctor Patrick Quillin, is renowned in this field and I've been impressed with his theses in the past. He uses food and supplements to slow and even reverse all aspects and symptoms of diabetes.
The programme helps to eliminate ketones and provides an abundance of energy. It normalises blood sugar levels, and improves both eyesight and balance. Scratches and scrapes heal much quicker. It will also renew feeling and sensation in numb limbs.
It reverses neuropathy and helps to heal ulcers. All these fantastic benefits have great knock-on effects as well. They help with blood pressure, lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reducing your risk of heart attack, stroke and kidney damage.
And for those of you that are quite handy around the kitchen, there is a second great book associated with the programme called the Diabetics Cookbook, that lists hundreds of great recipes from all around the world.
Due to the success of the Diabetes Improvement Program last time I mentioned it the publishers have agreed to supply my readers with both the Diabetes Improvement Program and the Diabetic Cookbook at a specially discounted rate. Basically, if you buy both books, you get the Cookbook for just a fiver! That's half price and not a bad deal if you ask me. To read more about the Diabetes Improvement Program visit my website.
Dr Bruce Caine is a Sixty Five year old retired GP, who is quietly losing his boyish good looks, but with dignity. I retired just over a year ago and the first six months were great - moving to Spain and doing all the things we've always wanted to do. But now, the truth is - I've started to miss being in practice and being involved with people. So, that's why I started The People's Doctor - a weekly newsletter all about general health matters. To learn more about Diabetes Improvement Program visit my home page at http://www.thepeoplesdoctor.co.uk
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/
Diabetes is not caused by eating sugar. Diabetes is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. However, eating a diet high in fat and sugar can cause you to become overweight.
It is being overweight that radically increases your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, so if you have a history of diabetes in your family, I would recommend a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Actually, I remember a story about an ex-patient of mine, let's call her 'Patricia'.
We spoke at length about all her risk factors, but she stopped me when I asked her if she had any relatives with diabetes. I couldn't hold back the laughter, when she informed me that she wasn't too worried as she didn't like her relatives and had no contact with them!
You can catch diabetes from someone else - Fact or fiction?
This brings me nicely to another common myth about diabetes, that it can be passed from person to person by everyday contact (SOURCE: Diabetes UK). Although we don't know exactly why some people get diabetes, we know that it is not contagious - it can't be caught like a cold or flu. There seems to be some genetic link involved particularly Type 2 diabetes. But environmental factors also play a part.
That's enough Diabetes Fiction now for some fact:
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterised by abnormally high blood sugar levels due either to lower production of insulin or abnormal resistance to insulin's effects.
The major symptoms are excessive thirst, frequent urination, muscle cramps, poor healing of wounds, impaired vision and itching.
Heart disease and stroke - caused by diseased coronary arteries supplying blood to brain- are also common complications associated with diabetes.
As people age, insulin production may diminish and/or insulin resistance may increase. If the consumption of food, especially food that causes rapid surges in blood sugar levels, remains high, blood sugar levels may become and remain abnormally high, which is the condition known as diabetes.
The serious consequences of this are collapse, a diabetic fit followed by diabetic coma and if not treated quickly, death can occur.
So diabetes is a killer disease!
Conventional and Complimentary treatments.
One problem with conventional treatments is that they are sometimes cumbersome and, on their own, not always effective. They sometimes have unwanted side-effects and very occasionally serious side-effects have been reported.
This is not to say that oral medication should not be used. On the contrary, they may be life-enhancing and life-saving and they should certainly never be stopped or their dose changed without a doctor's advice.
But the need for them - and indeed the need eventually for insulin injections - will be greatly reduced with a few simple changes to lifestyle. One of the best things you could do is follow the methods of Doctor Patrick Quillin in his International bestselling book The Diabetes Improvement Program.
I've reviewed this book before and it stirred up quite a lot of interest, so I think it's well worth another mention.
The author, Doctor Patrick Quillin, is renowned in this field and I've been impressed with his theses in the past. He uses food and supplements to slow and even reverse all aspects and symptoms of diabetes.
The programme helps to eliminate ketones and provides an abundance of energy. It normalises blood sugar levels, and improves both eyesight and balance. Scratches and scrapes heal much quicker. It will also renew feeling and sensation in numb limbs.
It reverses neuropathy and helps to heal ulcers. All these fantastic benefits have great knock-on effects as well. They help with blood pressure, lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reducing your risk of heart attack, stroke and kidney damage.
And for those of you that are quite handy around the kitchen, there is a second great book associated with the programme called the Diabetics Cookbook, that lists hundreds of great recipes from all around the world.
Due to the success of the Diabetes Improvement Program last time I mentioned it the publishers have agreed to supply my readers with both the Diabetes Improvement Program and the Diabetic Cookbook at a specially discounted rate. Basically, if you buy both books, you get the Cookbook for just a fiver! That's half price and not a bad deal if you ask me. To read more about the Diabetes Improvement Program visit my website.
Dr Bruce Caine is a Sixty Five year old retired GP, who is quietly losing his boyish good looks, but with dignity. I retired just over a year ago and the first six months were great - moving to Spain and doing all the things we've always wanted to do. But now, the truth is - I've started to miss being in practice and being involved with people. So, that's why I started The People's Doctor - a weekly newsletter all about general health matters. To learn more about Diabetes Improvement Program visit my home page at http://www.thepeoplesdoctor.co.uk
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/
diabetes and food,
diabetes control,
diabetes help
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Travelers with Diabetes: five quick pre-travel tips!

Planning ahead if you are a traveler with diabetes reduces stress. This is particularly important for a diabetic. These 5 diabetes travel tips are simple to implement and crucial to your diabetic management. They are particularly important if you are traveling abroad.
1) Have a pre-travel check-up. Make sure your A1C blood sugar levels; your blood pressure and your cholesterol levels are OK. Get the appropriate shots for any country you plan to visit.
2) Wear a diabetes medical ID. Ideally it should be in the language spoken in the country you're visiting. Not everyone speaks your language and you don't want medical problems through misunderstandings.
3) Keep your medication and glucose snacks in your hand-luggage. Check-in baggage does, unfortunately, go astray. Don't risk your diabetes medication by packing it in your main luggage.
4) Keep your medication in its original box, complete with pharmacy labels. It will prevent misunderstandings about why you are carrying drugs and, if you are on insulin, syringes.
5) Be aware of time zone changes, especially when altering your watch. Remember when you travel east your day becomes shorter; if you travel west your day becomes longer. You may need to alter the timings of your medication.
Traveling need not be traumatic. A sensible attitude and a bit of pre-travel planning can make things go far more smoothly.
Travelers with diabetes need to plan ahead to be safe and we want you to travel safely!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Six Ways to Help Manage Diabetes
By Terry Stanfield
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a disease that affects roughly 90%-95% of all people who have diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes is also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes because you do not need to take daily insulin shots to control it.
Type 2 Diabetes can be easily managed by doing several things in your normal daily routine such as watching your diet, eating at the same time every day, and doing some type of exercise several times a week. Just keep in mind that you must take control of your non-insulin dependent diabetes and don't let it take control of you.
There are so many different ways to manage every type of diabetes mellitus out there today. So what we are going to do here is take a look at just a few of those ways. In doing this it should help you gain a little more understanding into what you can do to help make living with diabetes just a little bit easier.
Avoid oils such as vegetable, seed, and bean that were heated during their processing. Only use cold pressed or unheated varieties such as olive oil.
Avoid any bean, seed, or vegetable oils that were heated for cooking purposes especially those that were grilled, roasted, or fired. The hotter they get the larger the amount of trans fats that will be present.
You should definitely avoid any and all fats and oils that have been processed. Some examples of these processed fats and oils are: any type of margarine, any hydrogenated fats, as well as any of the aforementioned fats and oils. This list also contains soy and canola oil.
You should use olive oil in any salads or salad dressings that require oil for the recipe. This would also include any raw food recipes as well.
You can also use raw linseed oil as long as it is cold pressed. You will find this oil packaged in dark bottles and nitrogen sealed. You should consume the contents of the bottle within two weeks of opening to gain all the health benefits.
When looking for eggs choose those that come from healthy free range chickens if possible. This may sound rough but you need to take in three or more of these daily in raw form.
Keep in mind that this is only a short list of what can be done with your diet to help you manage diabetes mellitus. So next time you put together a shopping list consider adding these items to it to help aid in smooth flowing arteries. Those hardened arteries will do nothing but cause you long term problems and can even lead to death.
Visit Geromatrix's site for information on [http://www.geromatrix.com]nutraceutical solutions and [http://www.geromatrix.com]Healthy Blood Sugar Supplements.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a disease that affects roughly 90%-95% of all people who have diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes is also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes because you do not need to take daily insulin shots to control it.
Type 2 Diabetes can be easily managed by doing several things in your normal daily routine such as watching your diet, eating at the same time every day, and doing some type of exercise several times a week. Just keep in mind that you must take control of your non-insulin dependent diabetes and don't let it take control of you.
There are so many different ways to manage every type of diabetes mellitus out there today. So what we are going to do here is take a look at just a few of those ways. In doing this it should help you gain a little more understanding into what you can do to help make living with diabetes just a little bit easier.
Avoid oils such as vegetable, seed, and bean that were heated during their processing. Only use cold pressed or unheated varieties such as olive oil.
Avoid any bean, seed, or vegetable oils that were heated for cooking purposes especially those that were grilled, roasted, or fired. The hotter they get the larger the amount of trans fats that will be present.
You should definitely avoid any and all fats and oils that have been processed. Some examples of these processed fats and oils are: any type of margarine, any hydrogenated fats, as well as any of the aforementioned fats and oils. This list also contains soy and canola oil.
You should use olive oil in any salads or salad dressings that require oil for the recipe. This would also include any raw food recipes as well.
You can also use raw linseed oil as long as it is cold pressed. You will find this oil packaged in dark bottles and nitrogen sealed. You should consume the contents of the bottle within two weeks of opening to gain all the health benefits.
When looking for eggs choose those that come from healthy free range chickens if possible. This may sound rough but you need to take in three or more of these daily in raw form.
Keep in mind that this is only a short list of what can be done with your diet to help you manage diabetes mellitus. So next time you put together a shopping list consider adding these items to it to help aid in smooth flowing arteries. Those hardened arteries will do nothing but cause you long term problems and can even lead to death.
Visit Geromatrix's site for information on [http://www.geromatrix.com]nutraceutical solutions and [http://www.geromatrix.com]Healthy Blood Sugar Supplements.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/
Diabetes Help: Controlling Blood Sugars
Controlling blood sugar (glucose) levels is one of the most important aspects of diabetes management. It will make you feel better in the short-term and it will help you to stay fit and healthy in the long term.
People who do not have diabetes keep their blood glucose levels within a narrow range for most of the time. The beta cells in the pancreas are able to produce just the right amount of insulin at the right time and they are constantly fine-tuning the blood glucose level. People with diabetes do not have this fine control over their blood glucose levels.
This might be because the beta cells have been destroyed and there is no insulin production at all, as in Type 1 diabetes. Alternatively, it may be that the body does not respond to the insulin and/or not enough insulin is produced when it is needed, as in Type 2 diabetes.
The approach to managing Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes is slightly different, but whichever type of diabetes you have, you will still need to step in and take over that fine-tuning of your blood glucose level.
Controlling blood glucose levels is a bit like trying to lasso an unruly animal. Blood glucose is dynamic; it changes constantly and it is influenced by a host of factors including your choice of food, how much you eat, the timing of your medication or insulin, your emotions, illnesses, your weight, and your body's resistance to insulin.
Some of these factors are relatively constant from day to day and are quite easily accounted for; some factors are more variable. No two days are ever exactly the same, or entirely predictable, and this makes it difficult. So, blood glucose is not easily lassoed.
In practical terms, you will need to learn about those things that raise your blood glucose level and those things that lower your blood glucose level. Then you will need to balance these factors on a day-to-day and possibly even hour-by-hour basis. This means coordinating medication, food and activity levels, whilst making appropriate allowances for stress, illness or changes in your daily activities.
You will be aiming to avoid the extreme highs and lows, trying to manipulate your blood glucose toward the normal range. You will be doing regular finger-prick blood glucose tests and using these results to help balance those things that make your blood glucose rise with those that make it fall. When you have evened out your blood glucose level you will still need to keep an eye on it and continue to make adjustments.
Controlling blood glucose is a continuous process and it will require your attention from now on, for the rest of your life. Don’t worry! It may sound daunting to you right now, but it will soon become second nature.
People who do not have diabetes have blood glucose levels between 4 and 8 mmol/l for most of the time. In general, people with diabetes should try to aim for test results between 4 and 10 mmol/l most of the time. Some people – pregnant women, for example – will need to aim for tighter control. Other people – young children, the elderly, or those at risk of severe hypoglycemia, for example – will need to aim for higher levels.
Your diabetes team will give you individual guidance on the blood glucose levels that you should be aiming for.
In the short term, controlling blood glucose levels is important in order to avoid diabetic emergencies – very high or very low blood glucose levels. Both of these conditions are unpleasant and can be dangerous, so they should be avoided if at all possible.
High blood glucose levels in Type 1 diabetes, if caused by a lack of insulin, can lead to a condition known as diabetic ketoacidosis or ‘DKA’ which can be fatal if it is not treated in time.
Incidentally: do you understand the Glycemic index and it's value to those of us with diabetes?
People who do not have diabetes keep their blood glucose levels within a narrow range for most of the time. The beta cells in the pancreas are able to produce just the right amount of insulin at the right time and they are constantly fine-tuning the blood glucose level. People with diabetes do not have this fine control over their blood glucose levels.
This might be because the beta cells have been destroyed and there is no insulin production at all, as in Type 1 diabetes. Alternatively, it may be that the body does not respond to the insulin and/or not enough insulin is produced when it is needed, as in Type 2 diabetes.
The approach to managing Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes is slightly different, but whichever type of diabetes you have, you will still need to step in and take over that fine-tuning of your blood glucose level.
Controlling blood glucose levels is a bit like trying to lasso an unruly animal. Blood glucose is dynamic; it changes constantly and it is influenced by a host of factors including your choice of food, how much you eat, the timing of your medication or insulin, your emotions, illnesses, your weight, and your body's resistance to insulin.
Some of these factors are relatively constant from day to day and are quite easily accounted for; some factors are more variable. No two days are ever exactly the same, or entirely predictable, and this makes it difficult. So, blood glucose is not easily lassoed.
In practical terms, you will need to learn about those things that raise your blood glucose level and those things that lower your blood glucose level. Then you will need to balance these factors on a day-to-day and possibly even hour-by-hour basis. This means coordinating medication, food and activity levels, whilst making appropriate allowances for stress, illness or changes in your daily activities.
You will be aiming to avoid the extreme highs and lows, trying to manipulate your blood glucose toward the normal range. You will be doing regular finger-prick blood glucose tests and using these results to help balance those things that make your blood glucose rise with those that make it fall. When you have evened out your blood glucose level you will still need to keep an eye on it and continue to make adjustments.
Controlling blood glucose is a continuous process and it will require your attention from now on, for the rest of your life. Don’t worry! It may sound daunting to you right now, but it will soon become second nature.
People who do not have diabetes have blood glucose levels between 4 and 8 mmol/l for most of the time. In general, people with diabetes should try to aim for test results between 4 and 10 mmol/l most of the time. Some people – pregnant women, for example – will need to aim for tighter control. Other people – young children, the elderly, or those at risk of severe hypoglycemia, for example – will need to aim for higher levels.
Your diabetes team will give you individual guidance on the blood glucose levels that you should be aiming for.
In the short term, controlling blood glucose levels is important in order to avoid diabetic emergencies – very high or very low blood glucose levels. Both of these conditions are unpleasant and can be dangerous, so they should be avoided if at all possible.
High blood glucose levels in Type 1 diabetes, if caused by a lack of insulin, can lead to a condition known as diabetic ketoacidosis or ‘DKA’ which can be fatal if it is not treated in time.
Incidentally: do you understand the Glycemic index and it's value to those of us with diabetes?
Get the best information you can!
Correct diabetes information may save you from lots of troubles
by Javier Fuller.
Diet is the cornerstone of your diabetic treatment; let it not become the headstone! I might sound rude to you for passing on this sort of crude observation, but in the interest of your health and well-being, I feel it as my utmost duty to forewarn you!
It sets the diabetes man thinking-each spoon of liquid that he sips, each ounce of food that he offers to the taste buds-what will be the result when it goes to the stomach? He lives in a state of fear psychosis. Food is the necessary evil for him, for his existence, not a source of enjoyment!
The diabetes man needs to budget his day according to his food requirements. You are advised to take small quantities of food at periodic intervals, than take two heavy meals. Be flexible in this and do it as per yours lifestyle. Don't take food as a punishment. Enjoy it, every particle of it. It is your food for both-your mind and body!
The population of diabetes patients is awesome. They are a pressure group, a lobby and influence the decision of the policy makers. There are statutory rules governing food and consumer items for the diabetes patients that help them in selecting foods for a healthy meal plan.Food guides, food labels for identifying the food choice, information about dietary supplements, what foods to be used by the weight loss seeking people, are available in plenty in the health market concerning diabetes.
Diabetes is a serious type of disease, often warranting utmost care, for many of its 'tribesmen'. Its valiant supporters are waiting in the wings to attack and overpower you! To name a few of them: Heart diseases, certain types of cancer and osteoporosis. These diseases believe in giving two types of punishments to the diabetes patient-serious types of disability and death.So, the diabetes patients need to be fully armed with complete information about diabetes, their present state of health and lay down for themselves, unassailable rules for living. Your paramount aim should be to maintain an optimum, healthy weight.
Secondly, don't be lazy, lying down on the couch, relaxing on the bed. This extra rest that you are forcing on yourself may ruin your health. As for the food, take plenty of fruits and vegetables. Let sprouted pulses be the part of your diet.
You must have the up-to-date nutrition information based on the latest research reports. I presume you must be getting a news letter from a diabetic association of which you are a member.Correct diabetes information may save you from lots of troubles. A stitch in time saves nine!
What nine? You need to know them by your own experience of handling your diabetes!To get detailed information on Diabetes and more visit http://www.diabitieslife.com
[Courtesy of the Ultimate Article Directory]
by Javier Fuller.
Diet is the cornerstone of your diabetic treatment; let it not become the headstone! I might sound rude to you for passing on this sort of crude observation, but in the interest of your health and well-being, I feel it as my utmost duty to forewarn you!
It sets the diabetes man thinking-each spoon of liquid that he sips, each ounce of food that he offers to the taste buds-what will be the result when it goes to the stomach? He lives in a state of fear psychosis. Food is the necessary evil for him, for his existence, not a source of enjoyment!
The diabetes man needs to budget his day according to his food requirements. You are advised to take small quantities of food at periodic intervals, than take two heavy meals. Be flexible in this and do it as per yours lifestyle. Don't take food as a punishment. Enjoy it, every particle of it. It is your food for both-your mind and body!
The population of diabetes patients is awesome. They are a pressure group, a lobby and influence the decision of the policy makers. There are statutory rules governing food and consumer items for the diabetes patients that help them in selecting foods for a healthy meal plan.Food guides, food labels for identifying the food choice, information about dietary supplements, what foods to be used by the weight loss seeking people, are available in plenty in the health market concerning diabetes.
Diabetes is a serious type of disease, often warranting utmost care, for many of its 'tribesmen'. Its valiant supporters are waiting in the wings to attack and overpower you! To name a few of them: Heart diseases, certain types of cancer and osteoporosis. These diseases believe in giving two types of punishments to the diabetes patient-serious types of disability and death.So, the diabetes patients need to be fully armed with complete information about diabetes, their present state of health and lay down for themselves, unassailable rules for living. Your paramount aim should be to maintain an optimum, healthy weight.
Secondly, don't be lazy, lying down on the couch, relaxing on the bed. This extra rest that you are forcing on yourself may ruin your health. As for the food, take plenty of fruits and vegetables. Let sprouted pulses be the part of your diet.
You must have the up-to-date nutrition information based on the latest research reports. I presume you must be getting a news letter from a diabetic association of which you are a member.Correct diabetes information may save you from lots of troubles. A stitch in time saves nine!
What nine? You need to know them by your own experience of handling your diabetes!To get detailed information on Diabetes and more visit http://www.diabitieslife.com
[Courtesy of the Ultimate Article Directory]
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